The Mixed-Up Chameleon

The Mix-Up Chameleon (1975)

Author: Eric Carle

Illustrator: Eric Carle

ISBN: 0064431622


The chameleon’s life was not very exciting until the day it discovered a zoo and he wished to be something else, and his wishes came true. He becomes very mixed up after wishing to be something he is not and when a fly flies by he isn’t able to catch it even though he’s hungry. So he wishes to be himself and is very happy with that.


The pictures are very fun and exciting and even though it wasn’t my favorite book, it has a very good moral behind it that would be good for children. It would be ideal for beginning readers because the majority of the story has a good deal of repetition that would help a beginning reader.

Classroom Connection:

It would be good to read this story to a Kindergarten class when talking to them about being yourself and being happy about that. It would also be good for even younger children and reviewing their colors and animals.

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